Dr. Jean-Francois CRETAUX
J-F Cretaux has obtained his Thesis in 1993 in university of Toulouse, with the specialty in celestial mechanic. In 1993 he has been employed at CNES, in LEGOS laboratory, for developing application of radio-positioning systems in geodesy and geophysics.In 2001 he started to work on space hydrology and to develop applications of remote sensing technic for the survey and the study of continental waters.He is now deputy director and member of the scientist council of LEGOS, PI of the SWOT mission, member of the Terrestrial Observation Panel of Climate, scientist leader of an ESA CCI project on lakes and co-lead of a NASA/CNES project on citizen for science. Over the last 20 years, he has contributed and led several international projects on space hydrology in different countries (Russia, Central Asia and Caucasus, Chad, Chili, India). He is author and co-author of 81 articles in Rank-A international journal (H-Index from WoS: 35, and ~3300 citations) and several book chapters.