[2023-10-12 14:52:44] production.ERROR: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'en-Anim recusandae Quo' for key 'news_translation_locale_slug_unique' (SQL: insert into `news_translations` (`locale`, `content`, `title`, `tags`, `slug`, `news_id`) values (en, In exercitation reru.s, Hic dolorem velit do, Maxime iusto vel qua, Anim recusandae Quo, 40))
[2023-10-12 14:52:44] production.ERROR: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'en-Anim recusandae Quo' for key 'news_translation_locale_slug_unique' (SQL: insert into `news_translations` (`locale`, `content`, `title`, `tags`, `slug`, `news_id`) values (en, In exercitation reru.s, Hic dolorem velit do, Maxime iusto vel qua, Anim recusandae Quo, 41))
[2023-10-12 14:53:09] production.ERROR: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'en-Aperiam numquam fuga' for key 'news_translation_locale_slug_unique' (SQL: insert into `news_translations` (`locale`, `content`, `title`, `tags`, `slug`, `news_id`) values (en, Quia voluptate exped.d, Consectetur ut exce, Quo rerum reprehende, Aperiam numquam fuga, 43))
[2023-10-13 03:22:22] production.ERROR: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'en-annual meeting, caspisnet,' for key 'news_translation_locale_slug_unique' (SQL: insert into `news_translations` (`locale`, `content`, `title`, `tags`, `slug`, `news_id`) values (en,
We are pleased to inform you that within the cooperation between the Caspian Integrated Scientific Network and the Institute for Development and Diplomacy, the Annual Meeting/ Conference of CASPISNET on a theme of "The Caspian Sea Features: The Science - Policy - Practice Interface in Perspective" has been started its work on 5th of June 2023 at ADA University.
The event has brought together the local and international researchers, experts and policy makers working and interested in the Caspian Basin region.
The event started with the opening speech of distinguished keynote speakers, the first speech was given by the Co-Chair of CASPISNET - Director of the GEPP programme at the University of Geneva, Dr. Alexandre Hedjazi to the Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan, H.E. Anne Boillon, later to the Researcher of the Institute of Oceanology - Russian Academy of Sciences/ COSPAR Prof. Andrei Kostianoy,later then Ambassador H.E. Mr Galib Israfilov Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations in Geneva and Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Switzerland H.E. Mr Fuad Iskandarov and many other distinguished speakers.
The second half of the event was also followed by the presentations of the experts from the different parts of the world such as Prof. Dr. Suzanne Leroy from Mediterenean Laboratory of Prehistory Europa-Africa - LAMPEA (France), Dr. Elnur Safarov (Azerbaijan) from the Institute of Geography of the Ministry of Science and Education - Republic of Azerbaijan (AR), co-autored by Dr. Said Safarov (Azerbaijan) from the same institute, Prof. Dr. Markus Stoffel and Prof. Dr. Alexandre Babak Hedjazi from the University of Geneva (Switzerland) , also Dr. Matteo Tarantino from Catholic University of Milan (Italy), Dr. Jean-Francois CRETAUX, Muriel Berge and Alexei Kourayev from National Space Research Center (CNES) France, Mr. Ahmad Humbatov from ADA University (Azerbaijan), Dr. Manuel Fischer Swiss Federal Institute for Water Science and Technology (EAWAG), Mrs. Elizaveta Bydanova French Azerbaijan University and Dr. Danil Kerimi Edgelands Institute, Harvard University (USA).
, Annual Meeting/ Conference of CASPISNET - 2023, caspisnet ada idd, annual meeting, caspisnet,, 44))